How to reuse your Gallery Section as Existing Gallery on 7.1
I the last post, I introduced the way to reuse your Gallery using Existing Gallery option of Gallery block on Squarespace 7.1. Today I will show you a practical use case on my own website: convert Gallery section to a Page with Gallery and reuse it as Existing Gallery in a new Gallery block.
The tutorial is splitted into 2 parts: create a Gallery page and insert new Gallery block
Part 1: Create a Gallery page
On my Squarespace datepicker has a Gallery section: Grid layout, I used it to display logos of the website that has the Datepicker plugin up and running, to convert it to Gallery page, I did the following
First I saved the Gallery section into Saved Section, since I don’t want to manually upload and place the links on new page
Make sure you installed Classic Gallery block - Freebie Squarespace plugin to add Gallery block on Squarespace 7.1
To keep thing organized, I created a dropdown named Classic Gallery Pages (must be this exact name)
Under that dropdown, create a Blank page, name it whatever you like
Create a new section on the new page, insert the Saved section that contains the target Gallery
Now you got a Gallery page ready!
Step-by-step included:
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **Part 2: Insert the Gallery as Existing Gallery option
With the new Gallery page ready, now I just go to the same Squarespace datepicker page and insert the new Gallery block and use the Gallery page as Existing Gallery, detail below:
Insert a Gallery block on a place you want, click Content -> Use Existing Gallery
Choose the Gallery page name that you saved on previous step, in this case, I chose Datepicker logos
Switch to Design tab and start tweaking the block as you like, then save it
And that’s it! It’s how I duplicate the Gallery section as Gallery page and reuse it across pages
Step-by-step included:
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Is the Gallery page the same with Gallery Pages on Squarespace 7.0
Not likely, while Gallery Pages on Squarespace 7.0 is dedicated page layout that contains Images and Videos, the Gallery page mentioned on this page is just a ‘concept’, it is a Blank page that contains a Gallery Section or Gallery Block
Question: Can Gallery block created with Existing Gallery option open in lightbox?
Absolutely, it is just ordinary Gallery block and has all Squarespace Gallery block features such as different layout: slideshows, grids, stacked, or carousels and lightbox.
Also, it is 100% compatible with Lightbox Studio - Premium Squarespace lightbox zoom plugin, help you replace Squarespace gallery lightbox with more advanced Lightbox that supports pinch-to-zoom and displays thumbnails.
Question: What are the use cases of Existing Gallery option?
It helps you to reuse gallery images across pages, helpful with Company Logos and Team Showcase, you can modify the Gallery page content and it will update on all other places.
Simplify your workflow with reusable content blocks. Edit once in a centralized hub and see updates reflect across your entire site effortlessly.