How train AI chatbot from Squarespace

To begin training your DocsBot with Squarespace content, you’ll need to use your sitemap.xml. This file will contain your published posts, pages, and other elements, enabling DocsBot to learn from your website’s content.

Squarespace sitemap is generated automatically when you publish your website, you can also use this tool to check the content of your sitemap in tabular format. Next, we will review how to train your Docsbot chatbot using your Squarespace sitemap.xml.

Import Squarespace sitemap to Docsbot

Step 1: Visit the Bot Listing

Open to the bot listing page and click on the bot you wish to train.

Docsbot select bot

Docsbot select bot

Step 2: Add new source

Click on the New Source button to show available sources for training your bot.

Docsbot add new source

Docsbot add new source

Step 3: Choose ‘Sitemap’ as Your Source

In the Source URL input, place your sitemap.xml URL using your domain, you can choose between these URL format



Docsbot add new sitemap

Docsbot add new sitemap

Click Add Source to begin indexing your site’s content. Next, set a Scheduled Refresh interval based on your current Docsbot plan:

  • Never

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Daily

By completing these steps, you’ve successfully trained your AI DocsBot chatbot using your Squarespace website’s content. The sitemap.xml will automatically update whenever you change or publish new content. Depending on your Docsbot plan, you may need to manually re-trigger the training or rely on the selected refresh interval.

What’s Next

Once indexing is complete, you can embed your chatbot on your Squarespace website. To ensure continuous improvement, follow best practices for refining your chatbot over time in this tutorial.


As a Squarespace Circle member, Beyondspace delivers plugins that elevate your website, streamline workflows, and optimize the Editor experience—saving time and driving engagement.

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